Edubox Global Founder – Tosin Sanusi

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Edubox Global Founder – Tosin Sanusi; whom for no reason, the West African Examination Council (WAEC) demanded a sum of 1.6 million naira from, when he requested for the results of the best SSCE candidates of the year with the intention of awarding scholarship for a better performance and as a reward for hard work.

He is using this means to implore the Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (SSCE) candidates to stand at better affirmation, and make brilliant use of this lockdown period if they really want to keep a smiling face when the result is out.

As you know, success doesn’t come to a man who sleeps in the corridor of failure, so to acquire the greater, to pass with brighter colour, to keep a flying flag, you must never stop getting yourself ready.

This lockdown should not be wasted, as you know your SSCE is around the corner. To avoid failure your level of preparation must be proportional to the level required by the examiners.

Which falls in line with this popular quote “success comes when the level of your preparation beat the level of your examination”.

SSCE has being recorded to be one of the most important criteria you must have before you get admitted into higher institutions, which if you failed, your journey to higher institution (University) will automatically be terminated for that year.

Also, the fact that Nigeria Economy, isn’t the encouraging type, this should be one of the reasons you must get yourself solidified.

The probability that the economy will be perfectly alright after this lockdown is Zero, so to avoid capital prodigality, which can come as a result of paying for another exam next year, you have to seize this lockdown opportunity to burn the candle as much as you can.

The fact, that your future lies in your hands, is also best put into consideration, whatever you choose to do today, affect your future.

Examination malpractices might come to you as a the only option, but if you get caught in the act, which is certain, the law will kick against you regardless of your age and it will indirectly affect your future.

The SSCE exams ain’t a child’s play, am sure you know that, it sounds simple, but comes shocking, it has gotten many who are named genius on their kneeled, not because they are not brilliant, but because they lack proper preparation, and they forgot the 5P’s of success: 1. Proper 2. Preparation 3. Prevents 4. Poor 5. Performance

I know you’re all longing for success, you’re striving hard to come out with the best out of all, you’re doing your best, and for that, I give you kudos, but as said earlier, am using this to implore you, to never stop working hard.

Isaac Newton once said “Am better than my colleagues because am sitting on the shoulder of a giant”

Don’t depend on your strength alone, try looking for giants you can sit on their shoulder. Try to look for home lesson teachers, or join online classes, we have them on WhatsApp, Facebook, Telegram and so on

Good better and best. Resting while your good hasn’t gotten to better and to best, might leads to unfavorable atmosphere when you later check your SSCE result..

So, make use of this lockdown period to strengthen you areas of weakness, use this lockdown period to build yourself to a better taste, don’t because the schools are on lockdown, you too should lockdown, no one knows when the school will be opened, as long as this Covid-19 Pandemic remain, the schools will remain on lockdown till further notice….

However, as the lockdown continues, please, obey the social distance rules, stay at home, wash your hands on regular basis, keep your nose cover intact and in use, keep a distance, when you suspect anyone with the said #covid-19 symptoms, never forget to call the #ncdc..

staysafe #keepdistance #workhard

I wish you all success.

Tosin Sanusi
Founder, Edubox Global

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