IVORY COAST-H. E.M, ABOUBACAR DOUMBIA DIT ABOU NIDAL, AMBASSADOR OF NATIONAL EDUCATION AND AMBASSADOR OF PUBLIC HEALTH. H.E.M, Aboubacar Doumbia known as Abou Nidal was decorated Officer of the Order of Merit of National Education by the Minister of National Education and Literacy, Marietou KONÉ in 2023 and Knight in the Order of Merit of health, by the Minister of Health, Public Hygiene and Universal Health Coverage, Pierre DIMBA in 2022. Excellence Abou Nidal is a great value of African culture. It has reached a great dimension with its social project “Waratour” and on a cultural level with the Abou Nidal Cultural Center which will open very soon in Yopougon in Abidjan.

H.E.M, Aboubacar Doumbia known as Abou Nidal was decorated Officer of the Order of Merit of National Education by the Minister of National Education and Literacy, Marietou KONÉ in 2023 and Knight in the Order of Merit of health,
by the Minister of Health, Public Hygiene and Universal Health Coverage,
Pierre DIMBA in 2022.
Excellence Abou Nidal is a great value of African culture. It has reached a great dimension with its social project “Waratour”and on a cultural level with the Abou Nidal Cultural Center which will open very soon in Yopougon in Abidjan.