Home » Nestlé Nigeria restates commitment to promotingyouth education in her host communities

Nestlé Nigeria restates commitment to promotingyouth education in her host communities

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This program is aligned to Sustainable Development Goal(SDGs) 4 -ensure
The scheme which is in two categories, senior secondary and tertiary, will grant
funds to cover tuition, accommodation, uniform, books and other expenses for the
educational and personal aspirations through financial sponsorship.
Federal Capital Territory, has been extended to include the host communityof the
duration of beneficiaries’education in the respective categories.


Picture 5: Alagbara of Agbara – HRM Oba (Barr.) Lukman Jayeola Agunbiade, Olute III with the recipients of the Nestlé Scholarship Scheme and other dignitaries at the event.

Nestlé Nigeria PLC has announced the second phase of her community
Several factors including inadequate infrastructure, lack of opportunities,
bridge the gap by providingfinancial supportto help youth complete their science
is positioned to enabledeserving students of her host communities attain their
Sub Saharan Africa.The Nestlé Community Scholarship Scheme seeks to help
company’s third factory in Agbara, Ogun State.
scholarship scheme for youth of her host communities. The scholarship scheme
company’s factories located at Sagamu Interchange, Ogun State and Abaji,
inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning


accessibility and affordability aretop issues limiting access to quality education in
The scheme which was launched in 2020 for the host communities of the
opportunities for all by 2030. Education is key to prosperity as it opens a world of
and technology studies inthe secondary and tertiary categories.


Speaking at the event to introduce Nestlé Scholarship scheme in Agbara, the
Ado-Odo Ota,Mr. Olugbenga Kikisuhu, commended Nestlé for the initiative. He
and empowerment of youth in Agbara. The company has positively impacted the
Obafemi-Moses, a Medical Student of the University of Lagos, expressed her
“We are therefore pleased to announce the extension of the scheme to deserving
taken agiant step by extending its love and generosityto better thelotsof under
Mrs. Victoria Uwadoka said, “In a nation with a high youth population like ours, it
TheHonourable Commissioner for Education, Science and Technologyin Ogun
Agunbiade, Olute III said, “This scholarship scheme is a laudable initiative by
privileged and deserving indigenousstudents of Agbara community. One of the
is clear that communitiescannot thrive if they fail to offer a future for younger
Corporate Communicationsand Public Affairs Manager of Nestlé Nigeria PLC,
her academics. She also appreciated Nestlé Nigeria for itsinvestment in young
on science and technology is deliberate to build much needed local capacity.”


Nestlé Nigeria PLC. I am delighted to be part of this event promoting the education
long as they attain the minimum required academic performanceeach year.”


State, Professor Abayomi Arigbabu,represented by the Zonal Education Officer,
One of the beneficiaries of the scholarshipin thetertiarycategory, Rereloluwa
generations.Nestlé Community Scholarship Scheme aims to contribute towards
said,“A modest history is being recorded here today as Nestlé  Nigeria PLC has
community over the years and we have enjoyed a good relationship”.


creating a future for youth by preparing them to participate in industry.

The focus
accommodation, uniforms and books for the duration of beneficiaries’studies so
delight at being selected as one of the beneficiaries of the scheme. She said that
youth sin Agbara. The scholarship awards cover the cost of tuition,
On his part, the Alagbara of Agbara Kingdom, HRM Oba (Barr.) Lukman Jayeola
doctors, academics, lawyers and scientists from backgrounds that ordinarily could
most important scholarship benefits to our society is that it gives us engineers,
nothave met up with the financial burdens of education”.


the award means a lot to heras it will further motivate increased commitment to


The event had stakeholders includingcommunity leaders, youth leaders,


109 students drawn from the company’s communities around Owode-Egba,
technology professionals. This is another of the many ways through which the
based on their academic performance and rigorous verification processes.


L-Picture 5: Alagbara of Agbara – HRM Oba (Barr.) Lukman Jayeola Agunbiade, Olute III with the recipients of the Nestlé Scholarship Scheme and other dignitaries at the event.-Olu Ipinmoye

The company continues to make a meaningful difference in her host communities
scheme, Nestlé continuesto help building the next generation of science and
Sagamu, Abaji and Agbara currently benefit fromthe scheme. They wereselected
bycreating initiatives to help youth unlock theirpotential. Through the scholarship
principals of beneficiary secondary schools, parents and education officialsin
company Creates Shared Value to helpbuild thriving communities.

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