Home » APC Crisis: Oshiomhole Moves To Assert Self, As Counter-Forces Shop For Replacement

APC Crisis: Oshiomhole Moves To Assert Self, As Counter-Forces Shop For Replacement

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Police bar Oshiomhole’s men from accessing party secretariat

Party Chair, others meet IGP

By Omeiza Ajayi

Some political strategists of the ruling All Progressives Congress, APC, were left pondering several options last night as to how best to resolve the lingering leadership crisis in the party.
While forces loyal to the National Chairman, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole, engaged in serious horse-trading to ensure that their principal resumed office, on Friday, those against him were said to have gone a step ahead to shop for a replacement.

One of those reportedly been touted to replace Oshiomhole is a former governor of Cross River State.
For the party strategists, one of the options is to get the President to ask Oshiomhole to obey the FCT High Court order, which upheld his suspension, but the major point of disagreement is about who takes charge in his absence.

Some stakeholders want the newly-appointed Deputy National Chairman, South, Senator Abiola Ajimobi, to take charge, others, however, want the Deputy National Secretary of the party, Chief Victor Giadom, who has been acting as National Secretary, to hold the fort.
Meanwhile, some governors of the party were said to have met on Thursday night to deliberate on how best to sustain the tempo to get Oshiomhole out of office.

This was as Vanguard gathered that the Chairman, Progressive Governors Forum and Governor of Kebbi State, Abubakar Bagudu, was, earlier on Friday, at the Presidential Villa ostensibly to brief President Muhammadu Buhari on the position of the governors.

Barred from secretariat

Meanwhile, efforts by some aides of Comrade Adams Oshiomhole to gain entrance into the party secretariat were, on Friday, rebuffed by a detachment of security operatives, who have continued to lay siege to the party premises.
The policemen, drawn from the Counter-Terrorism Unit, CTU, Mobile and regular forces, had sealed the party secretariat from morning till evening, turning back staff, visitors and journalists away from the building.

As of 6:20p.m. of Friday, the secretariat was still sealed.
Earlier, at about 3:30p.m., some men who security sources later described as aides of Oshiomhole came around and attempted to access the secretariat. Upon discussions with security operatives at the gate of the secretariat, they left.
Vanguard sources disclosed that the National Chairman and some members of the National Working Committee, NWC, were locked in several hours of meeting with the Inspector-General of Police IGP, Muhammed Adamu.

Shortly after, at about 4:20p.m., special forces from the Department of State Services, DSS, riding on five power bikes, came to the secretariat.
An hour later, some DSS operatives also came in two black Hilux vans. The mission of the two teams, who later left in a single convoy at 6p.m., was not clear.
Oshiomhole is said to have reached out to his allies among APC governors, some of who are said to be displeased about the actions of their colleagues.
Many of them are said to be canvassing for a caucus meeting after which there will be a meeting of the National Executive Committee, NEC, where members would be rallied to pass a vote of confidence on the Oshiomhole-led NWC.

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